Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Found Ben's Journal

This is Ben's Intro to a much larger journal entry that I thought I would share with you (yes I'm Cody). No, it's not "ok" to steal someone's journal...and then read it... or publish it online. Here's what Ben says:

Time, as we’ve come to define, interpret, and map is funny. Some people are not “on time,” others are “too early,” or maybe some respond “better late than never.” I know that is cheesy, but it’s odd. This whole time thing. We place a rather large significance on dealing with time and scheduling. We set dates for things like marriage (March 20 yay!!) and when we go on vacation (maybe to simply forget about time) we do try to “escape.” We get upset when time flies (one time this guy in my old church stood up to play a song on Sunday night. He played the guitar and labeled himself as part of the “country” genre. He sang and played an unfinished song he wrote entitled, “Time Flies…so fast.” And it ended mid-chorus. Awkward) like on summer vacation. We get out of school and “before we know it” we are back for the first day of school, writing about what we did over the summer in every class. Time zones are even more confusing. Especially when I’m in the Central zone, trying to watch a football game being played somewhere on the West Coast, which is being aired online at 7 P.M. I hate trying to figure out the time zone of the internet. What time is it at the North or South Pole? And then there are different calendars for different cultures or countries and some even have different years. And that’s confusing. And it really messes things up when determining someone’s age.
And this is all because we are limited beings. Everything and all we know about our physical world is on some sort of clock…or a countdown timer. And that probably scares a lot of us. Are we thinking that maybe the more we think about time and worry about the length of life we just might be able to extend our lives (Matthew 6:27)? We are desperate in that respect to be a part of something eternal. One time, I wrote a poem (first year of college to be exact).


Because someone at one point in time felt guilty,
The time machine was invented.

Because children grow out of being color blind,
Racism exists.

Because our minds can’t think of anything greater,
God exists.

Because hate fondles each mind,
Love prevails.

Because everything dies,
Life ticks.

Again, time can be scary. Because it reminds us of the things we’ve yet to accomplish. Or maybe it simply reminds us that we are finite creatures in search of the infinite. In search of a place or being void of time. Something or someone or even someplace that has never and will never be in fear of a ticking clock (if you are thinking about Neverland from the movie “Hook”…the place where all the clocks stopped and if there was a ticking clock, they smashed it with a mallet…you have the right idea. Well, you have a close idea.)


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