Monday, July 19, 2010

Blessed to be HOME!

Alicia and the kids and I were given the great blessing of being given a trip with my entire family (mom, dad, brother and sister and their families) during the last 10 days or so. We had a wonderful time and are thankful for the experiences we were blessed with.

A big THANKS to Oliver Shipman and David Higgins for letting God use them over the last two Sunday's to teach from His word so powerfully. I've already heard the good reports of the encouragement and challenges that they issued for living a life that is truly UPSIDE DOWN!

I also appreciate the elders and church as a whole for encouraging a brief time away. I have realized the need to plan more regular times of refreshment for my own sake and also for the sake of the body here at Cornerstone. It was good to spend extended time with my siblings and their families and especially my mom and dad. Some of you know that my dad has Parkinson's and also has been recently diagnosed with some type of lymphoma in his leg and shoulder. He has surgery scheduled for July 23rd to remove and identify they type and so I appreciate your prayers for his recovery. We are all very thankful he was able to travel safely with the family on this trip. We were able to visit the town of Ipswich, England where 40 years ago he and mom served as missionaries. We were even able to see the house they lived in and met a very nice Indian family who now lives there.


Remember Haiti? Remember the generosity of this body as we collected and sent funds to aid that country in its recovery? One of the organizations through which we sent funds was Compassion International. We recently received an update on how our contribution has helped.

Because 1 in 50 Haitians lost their lives in this disaster, the level of need has been almost incalculable. In addition to providing shelter, medicine, counseling, and church support, Compassion has used funds like we sent to provide 7,800 gallons of cooking oil, 180,980 pounds of pasta, 255,000 pounds of rice, 31,000 pounds of beans, 62,400 pounds of peanut butter and sugar, and 187,200 pounds of oatmeal.

For a visual of the impact of gifts such as ours have made and continue to make, check out this video:


Music and Drama Camp 2010 is underway and the rafters are rattling as I type! What an encouragement to see over 100 children plus dozens of student and adult volunteers involved in this ministry! Pray that the Lord will once again be exalted on the praises of his children!!

Love to all. Blessed to be home...


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